Take the 'How to Have an Epic Retirement Flagship Course' to build your knowledge and confidence.

This program is practical, informative and energetic. It will leave you excited and well-equipped for the road ahead. 

Register your interest in upcoming course dates


Prepare yourself for a modern, epic retirement.

The Epic Retirement Flagship Course is a program developed by retirement expert Bec Wilson that gives you the lessons, tools and insight needed to help you prepare for a modern retirement. 

There’s 14 modules, delivered over 6 weeks, that teach you about the six pillars of an epic retirement. And, with our new and more comprehensive digital workbook, you’ll be well-tooled to set your goals, build your vision and plan, then set yourself on the path to an Epic Retirement.  

And, the program is complemented with 6 Live Q&A sessions (one each week). We've hand-picked a selection of special guests - experts in the retirement sector who will add colour and flavour to the program. 

Our Spring course is currently underway. We have one upcoming program in the calendar for this year: 

  • SUMMER '24: 10th October to 22nd November 2024  (NOT YET OPEN FOR BOOKING BUT COMING SOON)
  • AUTUMN '25: 20th February 2025 to 3rd April 2025

Register your interest for our upcoming programs and we'll send you some information as soon as our Summer '24 dates and details are released. 

Register your interest in upcoming course dates 

We're building our next course dates now. We'll send you some information about them as soon as the details are available. 


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6 Week Program

A 6 week program,  completed as a cohort of pre-retirees and retirees, together. 

14 Modules

14 comprehensive modules of education, each with 6-10 easy-to-consume lessons.

Q&A Sessions Weekly

6 Q&A sessions with Bec Wilson and hand-picked special guests.

Practical Workbook

An 100+ page practical and professionally produced workbook that helps you action each module.

Online Community

An online community of course participants to learn with.

Signed copy of book 

Receive a signed copy of our new updated 2024 edition.

And check out our new exclusive course workbook 

Our NEW exclusive How to Have an Epic Retirement Flagship Course 150+ page printed and digital workbook is at the printers. This is a helpful accompaniment to the course, allowing you to work through the process of building your own retirement plan. It will be mailed to you. 

Why are we 'doing it together'? 

This program is being run ‘synchronously’ which means we all do it together, working through the program of content week-by-week, over a six week period. I think this makes the course easier to digest, and much more entertaining - which, let’s face it, is important when we’re talking about money, planning and the life ahead. 

The pre-recorded content and associated workbook for the week drops on a Monday morning. Once per week we will be hosting live Q&A sessions with our really special guests who can help to bring the whole course to life for you.


The feedback from our recent editions of the Flagship Course has been sensational. Have a read of some of the closing remarks and testimonials. 

Sarah T.

It has been Epic! The course has provided me with a great starting block to begin planning for my Epic Retirement. The modules were well presented with a gradual inclusion of information making it easy to gain and build upon knowledge. I have already recommended the course and your book to friends and strangers alike. I also love reading your newsletters and listening to the podcasts.


If you want to prepare for an epic retirement this is the course to explore all your options. It gets you thinking and planning on your different stages of your prime time in an extremely informative way. It makes you think about the fun stuff as well as the tough stuff in a positive way. I highly recommend this course and am now primed and looking forward to my epic retirement.

Susan M.

This course provided a comprehensive, yet whistle stop tour of retirement and pre-retirement planning, covering all aspects from financial to health and travel to estate and end of life planning. The content is engaging, well researched and delivered and I would recommend this course to anyone, even if you are only just thinking about the possibility of retiring in a few years, as it will help you plan and prepare for what could truly be an epic retirement with a really strong foundation.


Great course. Great content. I found it very helpful to think about the various facets of retirement that have been raised.


Enjoyed the course and got a lot out of it. Pulled together a lot of different aspects that I had done investigations on.

Caroline W.

Shame this course was not available before I retired. It filled in some gaps of knowledge that I have had to discover on my own since retiring. 


I would highly recommend the Epic Retirement course to everyone planning to retire in the future, as well as those that have already retired. The information provided was exceptional, as was all of the speakers. Thank you Bec.

Leigh H.

I found the course invaluable, the overall content was excellent covering many relevant topics for the new stage in our life to be truly epic! We have the tools and so much more knowledge which combined with your book we're on our way to the fantastic years ahead. I would highly recommend both the course and the book.

Penny S.

This course has been absolutely amazing I have learned so much. I now know what I need to put in place for the future. I feel very excited for my Epic Retirement years ahead.